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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council


1. Apologies: Cllr Terry Oxman, Cllr Liz Perry (SDC), Messrs John Weeks and Roger Sutton

Present: Cllrs. Ray Triggol, Martin Allen, Martin Baker and Pat Lennard. Cllr David Hall (SCC) and Derek Alder (SDC)

Members of the public: Mr Brian Gale, Simon and Sally Howes, Malcolm and Linda Friend, Mr Mike Horrobin, Ms Karen Bennet, Mr Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

2. It was minuted that a quorum of the Council were present.

3. Election of Chairman. Ray Triggol said that after five years in the chair he thought it would be good to have a change. Martin Baker proposed Martin Allen for the post and Pat Lennard seconded him. No other nominations.

4. Declaration and Acceptance of Chairman. Martin Allen completed this and the Clerk witnessed the form.

5. Co-option to fill two vacancies. The Clerk explained that when vacancies occurred following uncontested elections, there is no legal or statutory obligation to advertise the vacancies, but added that this had arguably been done with this item having been itemised on the agenda notices posted throughout the village. He went on to say that it was a requirement of all potential co-option candidates to have a good local knowledge of the Parish.

The Chairman asked for any interested parties to make their presence known and Mr Brian Gale responded positively. His nomination to fill one vacancy was proposed by Ray Triggol and seconded by Pat Lennard. Mrs Katrina Maxwell also expressed an interest and her nomination was proposed by Pat Lennard and seconded by Martin Baker.

The two new co-opted Councillors took their seats on the Council.

6. Completion of Register of Interests by all Councillors. The Clerk handed these out and requested their completion without delay and this evening if at all possible. Pat Lennard and Brian Gale asked to be given a day or two to complete their forms saying they would hand deliver them to the Clerk. Cllr Terry Oxman is currently abroad and the Clerk will send him his forms appropriately. The Clerk reminded those present that and delay in completing the forms would render them technically liable to arrest.

7. Election of Vice-Chairman. Martin Baker was proposed by Pat Lennard and seconded by Ray Triggol. There were no other nominations.

8. Election of Footpaths Officer. The Clerk advised that Mark Smith was prepared to continue in this roll. This was gratefully accepted.

9. Election of two representatives on the Village Hall management Committee. Pat Lennard and Ray Triggol agreed to continue in their positions, there were no other nominations. The Clerk was asked to advise the Hall Committee Secretary appropriately.

10. Election of Parish Pothole Liaison Officer. Again Mark Smith had advised the Clerk that he was prepared to comtinue in this roll and this was accepted with thanks.

11. Election of Webmaster. Again Mark Smith had indicated a willingness to continue. Accepted with thanks.

12. Any other business. The Chairman - Cllr Martin Allen - expressed the appreciation and gratitude of the whole Council to both the Playing Fields Committee for all it’s work in arranging the installation of the new equipment in the playing field and to Brian Gale for the floral display that he continues to provide along Front street outside his home.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 7.35pm.


View of Chedzoy Parish