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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th June 2015

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th June in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

1. Apologies: Cllr.Terry Oxman.

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Brian Gale, Pat Lennard, Katrina Maxwell and Ray Triggol. Also Cllrs. David Hall (SCC) and Liz Perry (SDC).
Members of the public: - Mr Rodney Young and Mrs S Hewes.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 19th May 2015 were taken as read, approved and signed, all in favour.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Wessex Water allotment inspection. The Clerk reported he had asked Matthew Fry to carry out the remedial work thrown up by the surprise inspection.
  • Election formalities. Cllr Ray Triggol provided the Clerk with clarification concerning the land he owns in the village, as requested by SDC following submission of the Register of Interest forms.
  • Cllr Terry Oxman called at the Clerk’s house on 17th June with his Acceptance of Office form and the Election Expenses form (nil return) – both forms completed).
  • Adopt a Kiosk. The Clerk reported he had not been advised as to SDC's agreement to allow the adoption but that clearly they would agree because there is an adopted kiosk in, for instance, Burrowbridge. It was decided at the last meeting to await the refurbishment of the local kiosk before adopting it.
  • Somerset Local Authority Civil Contingencies Unit. The Clerk said he had obtained the agreement of Lesley Knight, Civil Contingencies Officer to attend a parish council meeting to clarify what they are looking for here. She was unavailable tonight and the Clerk is to advise her of the date of the next meeting
4. Somerset County Council. Cllr David Hall reported on the following:
  • Hinkley Point. The Final Investment Decision is still awaited, but there is continued optimism that the outcome will be positive.
  • As the SCC board member on the Local Enterprise Partnership, Cllr. Hall confirmed a steady stream of investment funds.
  • Connecting Somerset and Devon. Discussions are continuing on the Extension Programme with the deadline now fast approaching.
  • Municipal Journal Awards. He said there is good local representation in this “Construction Excellence” Award.
  • Somerset Rivers Authority. He said that with Liz Truss continuing as Minister responsible for this funding for future years should be confirmed in due course.
5. Sedgemoor District Council Report. Cllr. Liz Perry introduced herself as the SDC councillor replacing Nobby Turner. She apologised for not realising a report was expected.

6. Planning.

Reference: 18/15/00007/LE
Proposal: Installations of soil waste pipe and extractor fan and internal alterations to install en-suite facility within bedroom.
Location: Crown House, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater TA7 8RB.
Applicant: Mrs S Hewes.

The Clerk said he had telephoned SDC planners to point out non-receipt of these details (the applicant attended the last meeting and advised the council of it) . SDC e-mailed him the details on 10th June, with comments requested by 11th June. In view of the details having been conveyed to the council already, he said he had responded with supporting comments appropriately.

Reference: 18/15/00008/RM
Proposal: Erection of part two storey, part single storey extension to East (side) elevation, partly on site of existing (to be demolished).
Location: 3 Springfield Cottages, Ward Lane, Chedzoy, Bridgwater TA7 8RN.
Applicants: Mr and Mrs Barnett.

The plans were laid before the councillors and they examined them.

The Chairman called for a vote.

For the application: 6   Against:0

The Clerk was asked to convey supporting comments appropriately.

Mr Simon Baker’s request for support.
The Clerk read out an e-mail received from Mr Simon Baker of 35 Higher Road Chedzoy in which he advised a dispute between himself and the Planning Enforcement Officer concerning a breach of planning rules about the type of cladding he has put on the extension to his house. The Clerk pointed out to Mr Baker’s partner that the parish council could not become involved in such a dispute which has by its very nature arisen after planning permission has been granted.

Lonsdale Holiday Lodges application.
The Clerk advised this (amended) application had been refused by the Planning Committee on flooding grounds.

7. Correspondence.
  • The Clerk said he had received an appreciative acknowledgement from the Playing Field Committee following the increased funding agreed by the council at the last meeting.
  • A similarly appreciative acknowledgement has been received from the PCC relating to the increased Churchyard upkeep grant aid agreed at the last meeting     
8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None.

9. Finance.

Position with all outstanding cheques allowed for:

Lloyds Current account £5986.96
Lloyds Deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society easy access £12192.69

Advertising fee £7.50 received from SCC relating to the Transporting Somerset appeal for voluntary drivers in “Chedzoy News”.

Water rates £20.71 paid 1st June 2015 by direct debit.

Second tranche of the precept amounting to £1500.00 due later in the year

3 Cheques signed at the meeting by two councillors.

Number Payee Amount For
470 SDC £100.00 Uncontested election fee
471 C.N Fry £57.21 Expenses to date
472 C.N Fry
£87.92 June net salary

10. Any Other Business, including date of next meeting.

  • Playing Field sign and bracken clearance. Cllr Maxwell (Playing Field Committee member) said Mr Francis Hunt had raised an objection to the sign erected outside the field, saying it obscured the view from his bungalow, She also reported that the committee would like to obtain permission to clear the overgrown bracken beyond the sign to facilitate some car parking. The Clerk said he had e-mailed Laurence Hackling of SCC highways at Dunball to establish the ownership of the verge. Cllr Maxwell said the committee would approach the landlord of the playing field - Oxford University Chest - on these matters.
  • Good Councillor courses. Cllrs Pat Lennard and Katrina Maxwell expressed an interest in attending one of these, The Clerk to liaise and arrange appropriately.
  • Clerk’s salary and allowances review. This has been requested by the Clerk, who has found his workload increasing of late. He is requesting the following uplifts in salary and allowances:
    1. Weekly paid hours to increase to 4, to reflect more accurately the time the job takes.
    2. Hourly rate to increase to £11.00, taking the salary to £2288.00 per annum.
    3. Casual car mileage allowance to increase to 60p per mile.
    4. New allowance to take account of depreciation and wear and tear of the Clerk’s computer and printing equipment of £50 per quarter.
      These proposed increases to take effect from the start of the current financial year.
  • After due consideration, it was proposed by Cllr. Brian Gale and seconded by Cllr Katrina Maxwell to implement the changes as applied for in full. All in favour.
  • Obstructed footpath entrance to footpath at Parchey Bridge. Cllr Martin Baker raised this issue saying it was a continuing problem which needed to be resolved. The Clerk said the matter was in the hands of George Montague SCC footpath officer covering Sedgemoor. The Clerk was asked to establish the up to date position and report to the next meeting.
  • “Made in Chedzoy” exhibition. The Chairman expressed the gratitude of the parish council for all the hard work which had gone into the recent excellent exhibition in the Church.
The date of the next meeting will be 28th July 2015.

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.35pm.



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