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Images of Chedzoy Parish

Wednesday 18th May 2016 in the Village Hall at 8.30pm

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council, held on Wednesday 18th May 2016 in the Village Hall at 8.30pm, following the Annual Parish Meeting.

1. Apologies. None.

2. Present. Cllrs.Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Brian Gale, Pat Lennard, Katrina Maxwell, Terry Oxman and Ray Triggol – also present Cllrs.David Hall (SCC), Derek Alder (SDC) and Liz Perry (SDC)
Members of the public: Mrs. Lynne Allen, Messrs. Francis Hunt, Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting of 5th April 2016 were taken as read, approved and signed.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Landline and Broadband Problems - Follow up meeting with Paul Coles. The Chairman updated the meeting as follows. Moorland has had a “fibre” update and is now connected to the Westonzoyland exchange by using overhead fibre connection. Fibre can be run through mini trunking, possibly within existing trunking. Chedzoy’s problem is that the village cabinet 19/1 (the secondary connection point) is 4000 metres from Cabinet 19 (the primary connection point), near Mole Valley Farmers [Bath Road]. Chedzoy’s cabinet 19/1 has 200 “worker” lines available, and most would take fibres.

    Speeds at the cabinet 19/1 vary from 500K to 2Mb. Attenuation (“sound” strength - as in decibels) at the Chedzoy cabinet (19/1) is about 70. 60 is poor, 70 weak and 80 inoperative, and most Chedzoy households are in this range. A new 230 metre cable is from 19/1 to the new chamber outside the new houses in Front Street. New cable will improve the lines, but not improve the attenuation at [the] cabinet 19/1.

    Open Reach now has a new Chief Executive: Clive Selley, Open Reach, PP3.109, Kelvin House, Judd Street, London WC1H 9NP.
    Useful numbers 02077 809 7498, 07710 070702. [email] [email protected]

    Manager (local?) Gavin Patterson.
5. Somerset County Council report. Please see the Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

6. Sedgemoor District Council report. Please see the Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

7. Planning.

Application Number: 18/16/00001

Proposal: Formation of paved wheelchair accessible ramp with handrail to existing annex, replace existing annex entry door to match existing, paved wheelchair accessible ramp without handrails to existing side entry to garage, replace existing garage side door with new accessible door to match existing. Formation of paved garden path to adjoin new accessible paved ramps. Refurbish existing Annex Bathroom and replace all fixtures and fittings. New internal ramp between Annex Hallway and Annex Living. Replace WC  in existing ground floor WC. Refurbish upstairs en-suite and replace all fixtures and fittings. Replace existing doors in annex area with enlarged accessible doors to match existing.

Eastcotte, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, TA7 8RE

Applicant: Lt.Col.N Griffiths

Martin Allen explained that this application needed a response by 19th May, and so the Clerk had referred the matter to him. He liaised with all councillors on the matter which involves a planning application simply because the property is a listed building.

A comprehensive reply was sent in full support to SDC Planning Department.

Application Number: 18/16/00002/RER

Erection of detached double garage.

“Nine O’clock Cottage”, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, TA7 8RE

Mr and Mrs M Allen.

This is an application lodged by the Chairman, so he explained the proposal then withdrew leaving 5 councillors (Terry Oxman was called away from the meeting early)

The matter was discussed and considered by the councillors and a vote taken.

In favour 5
Against 0

The Clerk to advise Sedgemoor planners appropriately.

Application Number:18/16/00003/LR

Erection of a single storey side extension to form double garage.

1 (2), The Barn, Front Street,Chedzoy, Bridgwater, TA7 8RE.

Mr and Mrs D Pike.

The proposal was discussed and considered with the Chairman filling the councillors in on the matter which will in actual fact create a more aesthetically pleasing situation.

A vote was taken by the 5 councillors present (Martin Baker having been called away from the meeting)

In favour 5
Against 0

The Clerk to advise Sedgemoor planners appropriately.

8. Correspondence.
  • Foul smell emanating from Bawdrip. The Clerk read an e-mail from Jo Smolden of Ward Lane, in which she describes a smell drifting over the village which she claimed came from a factory pig farm in Crandon Lane, Bawdrip. Apparently, Planning Application 04/16/00003/LR has been submitted involving a doubling in size of the farm. She is asking for the Parish Council to raise an objection. A discussion took place and Francis Hunt was able to say that he had visited the site, just out of interest (as a former pig farmer himself), and he considered it to be a “State of the Art” installation which has all the modern safeguards built in to minimise any smells except at very close quarters. The Chairman said he would be very reluctant to involve Chedzoy Parish Council in a matter outside of its jurisdiction, and all the normal consultations had taken place. The Clerk, a Bawdrip resident, said he recently noticed the Bawdrip Parish Council had strongly objected to the proposal and all immediate neighbours would have been consulted as well. The Clerk to reply appropriately to the e mail.
  • Speed Indicator Device reports. The Clerk read the resultant report received following the recent SID placement in Higher Road. It confirms a median speed of 33 mph, 3 mph above the posted speed limit of 30 mph. The '85 percentile' speed was calculated at 39mph, which is 3mph above the intervention limit of 36 mph. These are approach speeds, not “adjusted” speeds when drivers react to the flashing sign and generally reduce speed by about 4-5 mph. The site will continue to attract the SID. A discussion took place with Richard Woodard wondering if he SID could be relocated to say outside the village Hall on a telegraph post where he thought it would be more effective. The Clerk was asked to find out if this proposal would be possible.
9. Matters arising from the correspondence. None

10. Finance.


Lloyds Bank Current account (with no issued items outstanding) £6968.90
Lloyds Bank deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Council Easy Access account £12252.99

The first tranche of this year’s Precept (£5000) has been received.

The accounts - which have been Internally Audited - were presented to the meeting, and The Annual Governance Statement considered.

Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Martin Baker and seconded by Katrina Maxwell.

Adoption of the Annual Governance Statement was proposed by Brian Gale and seconded by Pat Lennard.

All in favour.

The Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer signed the Annual Return and the External Audit will now be carried out.

7 cheques were signed by 2 councillors:
Number Payee Amount For
508 Mr C.N Fry £305.14 April and May net salary
509 Mr C.N Fry £47.80 Expenses to date
510 MG Allen £40.00 Ink Jet agreed at last meeting
511 Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) £111.97 Annual affiliation fee
512 Broker Network £639.76 Insurance premium
513 Mrs L Friend £10.00 Internal Audit fee
513 SALC £25.00 Training seminar, re workplace pensions

The Clerk explained the Insurance Brokers, Came and Co, had recommended Ecclesiastical Insurance this year, and provided we sign a 3 year agreement they undertake to hold the premium at this year’s  level, which is already less than last year’s premium – even though IP Tax  was increased by the Treasury during the year

11. Any other business including date of next meeting.
  • Isolation in Sedgemoor. The Clerk read a letter about the problem of loneliness among particularly older people with an estimated 10%of over 55’s possibly only speaking to someone every 3 or 4 days. There is a seminar on Saturday 25th June at Cossington Village Hall from 9.00 am to 1.00pm to be followed by lunch. It was decided that the Clerk and Pat Lennard would attend.
  • Short Mat Bowls. Ray Triggol brought up the problem of storage for this equipment for which there is very little demand and it has hardly been used. He wondered if some other Parish might like to have it. It was decided that the Clerk should approach David Hall on the matter.
Date of next meeting Wednesday 29th June 2016 at 7.30 in the village hall.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm



View of Chedzoy Parish