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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 14th August 2017 in the Village Hall, at 7.30 pm.

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on Monday 14th August 2017, in the Village HaAll at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies: Cllrs Brian Gale, Katrina Maxwell, and Terry Oxman.
Also, Cllr Liz Perry (SDC) and David Hall (SCC) arriving later, following a previous meeting.

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Patricia Lennard and Ray Triggol. 

Members of the public: Mr G Bentley, Mrs B Foot, Mr Francis Hunt, Ms J Smoldon and Messrs Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of the 3rd July 2017 were taken as read, approved and signed. The minutes of the special planning meeting of the 3rd August 2017 were read and agreed.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Affordable Housing Survey. The Chairman said that he had sensed some hostility from villagers who did not wish to see any development in the village. He pointed out that the Parish Council is only the messenger in this matter, and that the process has been suggested and driven by Sedgemoor DC. He considers it vital to make the survey questions and accompanying letter as clear, concise and uncomplicated as possible. He also said some of the more searching questions - particularly those in section 2 – might be regarded as over invasive.

    Following the presentation by Esther Carter and Duncan Harvey [Sedgemoor District Council] at the last meeting, a first draft of the proposed survey questions was sent to the Parish Council, and referred to the Chairman who suggested some amendments, which has led to the receipt of the second draft which was circulated to all councillors ahead of tonight’s meeting.

    The Chairman went through the questions in turn, suggesting more amendments and was careful to seek a consensus from those present. It was felt that section 2 could be best left till section 1 had been circulated and the results received, although there was a time constraint to consider. Other views and comments were sought by the Chairman.

    It was concluded that the Clerk should seek a meeting between the Affordable Housing Development Team (AFHDT) with the Chairman and Clerk, who were delegated to decide on the final questions to be contained in the survey and the accompanying letter before circulation to villagers.

  • Blocked Footpath at Parchey. The Clerk was asked at the last meeting to chase this matter up. The entrance to the footpath remains blocked by the neighbouring landowner. In an attempt to take a different approach, the Clerk emailed the Environment Agency direct and was directed to Mark Doyle. The background was explained and that the Parish Council had been receiving complaints over a couple of years now and was naturally anxious to see the blockage removed to the footpath entrance. Mark confirmed the land accommodating the footpath belonged to the EA, and further that the view on Google Earth showed the original Bristol gate that had been installed by the EA. This gate has long since been removed and relocated and replaced with a standard farm field gate which remains locked with barbed wire around. The EA intend to take legal steps to restore the situation and Mark suggests the first step is to apply for the footpath to be diverted back on to firm ground. To this end he has sent the necessary redirection forms to George Montague (SCC footpath officer for the Sedgemoor area), and the process takes about six months. Following this the Environment Agency will instigate legal steps to force the landowner to restore the situation as it originally was.

    The Clerk said this was the most positive plan which should lead to a permanent resolution to the long standing problem.
4. Somerset County Council report. Cllr David Hall reported as follows:
  • Business Rates funding/ Devolution. With the understandable need to concentrate fully on the Brexit negotiations, there is perhaps not much traction from the Westminster Government taking these matters forward.
  • SCC Budget. The projected shortfall this year currently stands at £18 million, which is less than it was a year ago. By far the largest expenditure remains both Adult and Children’s social care.
  • Somerset Rivers Authority. John Osman- former leader of The County Council - is the Mendip representative on the authority and he has been elected the new Chairman.
  • Giggaclear [superfast broadband]. The rollout timetable is (perhaps sensibly) vague, but with Chedzoy being included in Phase 2, it is a matter of “when “– not “if”.
  • Hinckley Point. There is now a workforce in excess of 2,000 on site.
5. Sedgemoor District Council report. None.

6. Planning.

Reference: 18/17/00006/DT
Proposal: Conversion of garage to form a self-contained annexe.
Location: Fry’s Farm Front Street Chedzoy Bridgwater TA7 8RE.
Applicant: Mrs B. Foot.

The applicant was present at the meeting, and confirmed the proposal did not alter the footprint but involves the installation of a dormer window to the first floor. As is normal, immediate neighbours have been consulted.

The Chairman called for a vote:
In Favour:  4
Against:  0

The Clerk was to convey an appropriate report to Sedgemoor Planning Department.

7. Correspondence.

  • Ageing Well. The Clerk advised that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Somerset: Our County 2017 “Ageing Well” –summary and qualitative report has been published at following approval from (SCC) Health and Wellbeing Board.

    This gives an overview of the strategic health, wellbeing and social needs of Somerset people this year has a focus on ageing well.
8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None.

9. Finance.

Balances after allowing for all payments made:

Lloyds Bank Current Account £4545.30
Lloyds Bank Deposit Account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Easy Access Account £12300.08

The second tranche of the Precept for 2017/18 amounting to £2500 will be received later on in the year

Two cheques were signed at the special planning meeting of the 3rd August 2017 as follows:

Number Amount Payee For
559 £13.20 Tailored Wealth 1st monthly fee for monitoring the work place pension – further payments to be made by direct debit.
560 £152.67 Mr C.N Fry July net pay

Two further cheques signed by 2 councillors:

Number Amount Payee For
561 £152.47 Mr C.N Fry August net pay
562 £42.18 Mr C.N Fry Expenses

Lloyds Bank have offered the Clerk a “View only” internet business banking service – this simply will enable his to view statements online.

10. Any Other Business, including the date of the next meeting.
  • Post Box refurbishment. The Clerk has sent a chasing email to Paul Carter of BT about this.
  • Annual Electoral Registration Canvas. This is currently taking place.
  • Sedgemoor Local Plan. This final document, reflecting alterations made following the Public Consultation stage, has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. The Local Plan and other submission documents can be viewed online at The Chairman has requested the Clerk try to obtain a paper copy of the submitted document if possible.
  • Activity in fields at Parchey. The Chairman said he had received a telephone complaint from a resident about the considerable activity here, with a great deal of hard-core being deposited in the field gateway and a lot of soil being excavated, moved and banked up in what looks like the construction of a moto-cross circuit. The additional matter of the residential caravan with services connected is already of concern to many.

    Following a discussion, the Clerk was asked to involve the Sedgemoor Planning Enforcement team of the possible breaches of planning rules here.
Date of next meeting: Monday 25th September 2017 in the village hall at 7.30 pm.

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.


View of Chedzoy Parish