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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 30th October 2017 in the Village Hall, at 7.30 pm.

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on Monday 30th October 2017, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

1. Apologies. None received.

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Brian Gale, Patricia Lennard, Terry Oxman and Ray Triggol  

Also: Cllr D Hall (Somerset County Council (SCC)) and Derek Alder and Liz Perry (both Sedgemoor District Council (SDC)).

Members of the public: Messrs Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 25th September 2017 were taken as read, approved and signed.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  •  'Adopt a Kiosk'�. The Clerk reported that the contract for sale had been signed and dated on the 2nd October 2017; completion had now taken place, with the Kiosk now the property of the Parish Council who are now responsible for its maintenance. The telephony has been removed, and the existing Ecclesiastical insurance policy does cover the Public Liability side.

    As previously agreed the Clerk was requested to ask Don Johnson to put an article in the next issue of Chedzoy News seeking ideas from villagers as to the best use of the Kiosk for the future.

  • Blocked Footpath at Parchey. The present position is that the footpath (which originally ran along the west bank of the King Sedgemoor Drain), is now submerged, following the widening of the Drain in the late 1960s/early 1970s. Although the Environment Agency (EA) is agreeable to making the land it owns subject to a permissive right of way, this agreement is subject to all other landowners doing the same. The matter of redirecting the footpath following the widening would seem to have been overlooked.

    The Chairman said he had been sent details of a recent court case success in South Petherton which established that the Local Council is responsible for removing blockages to footpaths. These details had come from Mr Harvey of the Ramblers' Association, who goes on to say he had read our minutes on the website, and he considered Footpaths BW8/6 and BW8/25 at Parchey Bridge to be illegally blocked.

    It was decided to furnish Mark Doyle at the EA with a copy of Mr Harvey's letter and to seek clarification of the current options open to the Parish Council in its endeavour of achieving a satisfactory outcome of this long running problem.
4.  County Council report. Cllr David Hall reported as follows:
  • Devolution. The Partners appear willing to form a framework which would be the subject of a paper due out shortly.

  • SCC Budget. This is expected to be in balance by the financial year end. An OFTEL inspection is due imminently due.

  • Buses. Another bus company, Nippy, has ceased trading. Hinkley Point are said to be employing 90 bus drivers, causing a scarcity.

  • Hinkley Point. The industrial unrest appears to have been resolved.

  • Economic Outlook. This is very positive, particularly for small businesses.

  • Gigga Clear. They are launching an event on 15th November 2017 when more information on deployment may be revealed. Chedzoy is included in phase 2.

5.  Sedgemoor District Council report. Cllr Liz Perry reported as follows:
  • Local Plan. In line with expectations, outline planning permission has been made for 260 homes off the Westonzoyland Road at “Bower Flowersâ€�.

  • Bridgwater Railway Station. Liz said there are moves afoot to get more trains to stop at Bridgwater.

Cllr Derek Alder reported as follows:

  • Junction 24. He said there are plans for a completely new Services area to replace the existing one which is considered inadequate, and an Industrial development to run down to Huntworth village.

  • 'Kingsdown'. 100 additional homes are planned for Kingsdown, possibly modular ones.

  • 'Peer' inspection at SDC. One of these has just taken place over a nine day span and the results are encouraging.

6. Planning.

No new planning applications, but the Chairman outlined the recent seminar on Planning held at Bridgwater House. He said Chedzoy is expected to keep its Tier 4 Settlement status. He said that from Spring 2018, it is intended to introduce a paperless system for seeking opinions on Planning Applications.

7. Correspondence.
  • Battle of Sedgemoor Interpretive Panel, Front Street. This has been reinstated to a high standard by Don Johnson. At the suggestion of Pat Lennard, the Clerk has been asked to send a letter of thanks.
  • SDC Grants for Health Projects. Applications are invited for grants of up to £1000 for health-focussed projects from groups with the following themes:

    Physical Activity - Healthy Eating  - Weight Management - Promoting emotional and physical wellbeing through projects which address loneliness and isolation.

    Pat Lennard suggested the Playing Field Association may be interested as part of the Playing Field is given over to older age groups. The Clerk was asked to forward the email to them.

    Closing date for applications: Friday 1st December 2017. Further details

  • St Margaret's Hospice Donation Request. A letter has been received outlining the excellent services provided. Ray Triggol said a generous donation had been made to the Charity from 'Pop in for a Pint'�.

  • CAB appeal for volunteers. A poster has been received. Further details available from:

  • Somerset Community Foundation 'Sing for Somerset'�. The annual carol service at Wells Cathedral is on Saturday 16th December 2017 at 7.00pm. Free admission - no tickets - doors open 6.15pm.

  • SDC free spring bulbs. These are again being offered as 25 kilo bags of a 'woodland mix'� designed to maintain Sedgemoor's beautiful countryside. The Clerk has registered an interest. Pat Lennard kindly offered to speak to Roy Beale about this. Further details at

  • Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner's Action Fund. Community groups and voluntary organisations are being invited to bid for funding from Sue Mounstevens for grants of up to £3000 available for groups that provide a positive and lasting impact across the local communities. Application deadline 1st December 2017. Further details at
8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None.

9. Finance.

Balances after allowing for all payments made.

Lloyds Bank Current Account £4903.88
Lloyds Bank Deposit Account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Easy Access Account £12300.08

3 cheques were signed as follows:

Number Amount Payee For
575 £49.00 Don Johnson Battle of Sedgemoor display repair (materials only)
576 £64.46 Mr C.N Fry Expenses
577 £152.69 Mr C.N Fry October net salary

Note: Cheque No. 574 for £103.10, payable to Mr C.N Fry for expenses had already been signed between meetings. This cheque replaced No 571; the words and figures differed.

A letter from the Pensions Regulator concerning an impending increase in pension contributions is to be passed to Tailored Auto Enrolment for their attention.

10. Any Other Business, including date of next meeting.

  • Field at Parchey. Richard Woodward said a lot of hard-core had been delivered to the field at Parchey and had been levelled off to a depth of about a foot.

    Liz Perry offered to speak to Colin Arnold at the SDC Planning Department to get the up to date position. It is thought the static caravan has been moved.

Date of next meeting: Monday 11th December 2017 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.




View of Chedzoy Parish