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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 20th November 2017 in the Village Hall, at 7.30 pm.

Minutes of the special planning meeting of the Parish Council, held on Monday 20th November 2017, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies: Cllr. Ray Triggol.

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Brian Gale and  Pat Lennard .

Members of the public: The Clerk and 12 members of the public.

2. Two cheques signed as follows:

Number Payee Amount For
578 Mr C.N Fry £152.47 November net salary
579 Mr C.N Fry £560.00 Playing field grass cutting – to P. Clapp

3. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)

Reference: 18/17/00007/DT.
Type: Full Planning Permission.
Location: 35 Higher Road, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 8QU.
Proposal: Conversion of one dwelling to two separate dwellings.
Applicant: Mr S. Baker.

The Plans were on display, and the Chairman opened the meeting by saying it was necessary to consider the proposal on valid planning grounds. Anecdotal evidence should be avoided and any comments, either for or against the proposal should be clear and concise.

The Chairman opened the meeting up to the public.

The view was held that approval of the proposal could open the floodgates to other possible similar applications. Even if not this one, [it] would create car parking problems as well as traffic flow problems along Chedzoy Lane. (An average of 2.4 cars per household). Space within the boundaries of the new dwelling for owners cars to turn, when considering the additional central heating oil tank, would seem difficult to achieve. The newly permitted 'terrace' would have no rear access, for emergency vehicles etc. Drainage and flooding risks would be increased. The character of the area would be detrimentally affected.

All in all, it was felt valid considerations in the case of objections could be in the areas of;

Layout, density and design, highways issues, visual appearance, drainage and flooding, planning history.

When the 2011 planning permission was granted at this property for the original extension, condition 4 stated 'The accommodation hereby permitted shall be used solely in connection with the use of the existing house as a single family dwelling, and shall not be used as a separate unit of accommodation; Reason – the site is not appropriate for a further dwelling'.

All these views have already been conveyed in comments to SDC from immediate neighbours.

A vote was taken, and all four councillors voted against the proposal, and the Clerk was asked to convey the following comments to Sedgemoor Planners:

'Previous Full Planning Permission 18/11/00008 for - Erection of first floor extension to NW elevation and single storey rear extension, partly on site of existing (to be demolished), at 35 Higher Road, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 8PQ, granted on 15/09/2011, states under conditions and reasons 4:

'The accommodation hereby permitted shall be used solely in connection with the use of the existing house as a single family dwelling and shall not be used as a separate unit of accommodation. Reason: The site is not appropriate for a further dwelling'.

The current application 18/17/00007 for 'Conversion of one dwelling to two separate dwellings' exactly contradicts this condition, and therefore Chedzoy Parish Council cannot support this application on valid planning grounds. In addition, we have concerns about the following issues:
  • Access to the real of the property, in case of emergencies, particularly if it became two properties.
  • Additional roadside parking, access for neighbouring properties, and obstruction to passing traffic.

For these reasons, Chedzoy Parish Council cannot support this application.

Martin Allen – Chairman'.

This being the only item on the agenda, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.


View of Chedzoy Parish