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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 11th December 2017 in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on Monday 11th December 2017, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies. Cllrs. Terry Oxman and Liz Perry (Sedgemoor District Council (SDC).

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Brian Gale, Patricia Lennard, Katrina Maxwell and Ray Triggol 

Also: Cllr D Hall (Somerset County Council (SCC))and Derek Alder (SDC).

Members of the public: Messrs Graham Bentley and Rodney Young.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 30th October 2017 and special planning meeting of 20th November 2017 were both taken as read, approved and signed.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Blocked Footpath at Parchey. The Clerk advised the meeting that he has arranged a meeting with Mr Mark Doyle of the Environment Agency on Thursday 14th December 2017 at 9.00am to discuss the position, history and possible way forward. The Chairman said he would attend, along with the Clerk. A report will be given to the next meeting.

  • Activity in the field at Parchey. The Chairman reported activity was still occurring with loads of soil being imported. Feedback from the Enforcement Officer is awaited.
4. Somerset County Council report. Cllr Hall reported as follows.
  • SCC Budget. Clarification from Central Government on this year’s Capital and Revenue Support Grants are expected soon. The SCC Capital Budget will be severely strained with the expected need for 23 new schools in the coming five years.

  • Pilot Authority. SCC’s application to be a pilot authority for business rate retention could well be successful and if so will trigger additional Government funding.

  • Grit Stocks. These are high.

  • Somerset Rivers Authority. The conversion of this into an Independent precepting authority is delayed, and David feels it is unlikely to happen until Brexit is resolved.

  • EDF. EDF is applying to lift the average lorry movement levels to an average of 750 per day into and out of Hinkley Point.

  • Ofsted Inspection. The inspection of Children’s Services is complete and the formal report is awaited. It is hoped for an improvement in the last “unsatisfactory” inspection result.

  • Libraries. SCC is to undertake a consultation exercise about the future direction of the service.
5. Sedgemoor District Council report. Derek Alder reported as follows:
  • Housebuilding. The SDC housebuilding drive is resulting in several medium sized building firms working at maximum capacity.

  • Old ROF site. This has been sold now and its redevelopment is expected to begin in the New Year. The roadway will be first to go in.

  • A new motorway services area at J24 is planned, with industrial units on the Huntworth side.

  • Chief Executive. The new chief executive is due to be appointed soon.
6. Planning.
  • 38 Higher Road. The Chairman read out his comments that were sent in to SDC planners following the special planning meeting on 20th November, concerning application no 18/17/00007/DT covering 38 Higher Road (see minutes of the meeting).

  • E-Consultation for Planning Applications. Stuart Houlet has confirmed a paperless system for consultations as from 2nd April 2018. The Clerk advised the meeting of the confirmation email he had received. SDC give an assurance that they will support Parishes in the transition period. Following a discussion the Clerk was asked to reply requesting that either Stuart Houlet or Julie Armstrong-Baker attend our next meeting to outline the implications, including costs.
7. Correspondence
  • Mendip Community Transport. A request for grant aid has been received and noted.

  • Adopt a Kiosk. The Clerk advised the meeting he had received a suggestion from a Parishioner that the kiosk be used as a small library, 'You take a book and leave a book or two'. It was decided to await responses from the article in the next 'Chedzoy News', appealing for suggestions, and consider the matter at that time.

  • Car accident at the 'S' bend (also known as Reed's Corner), west of Crow Lane. Mr Graham Bentley (Westfield Farm) contacted the Chairman about a potentially serious accident on 19th October last when a Lady rolled her Ford Ka convertible into the ditch and was suspended upside down awaiting the air ambulance. (Thankfully, Martin Baker could confirm the Lady walked away suffering bruises only). Mr Bentley suggests road warning marks and chevrons would improve road safety here. The Chairman read an email from Jan McLeod saying she and her husband recently walked along Chedzoy Lane from Crow Lane to Bath Road when they were forced into the hedge by a tractor and several cars trying to occupy the same part of the road. She also says they were driving in the opposite direction when an oncoming van approached them on a bend at such a speed that they had to drive onto the verge to avoid a collision, she goes on to relate the same accident on 19th October. Martin Allen also read an email from Katherine Tyson – Traffic Engineer – Sedgemoor Area (SCC) in which she replies to Jan McLeod acknowledging receipt of the same email and advising the Traffic Management remit is somewhat limited to signing and lining improvements and anything bigger than that could be requested from via the local county councillor. She says the amount of further work would depend on the numbers of pedestrians using the road. Ms Tyson goes on to say she will be erecting some chevron signs and refreshing some lining at the accident spot, which may hopefully encourage drivers to slow down. (The bend in question is, of course within the Bridgwater Without parish).

  • Allotment waiting list. The Clerk pointed out that he had received a request for an allotment plot and therefore we now have a waiting list.

  • Finger Post at Cross Tree. The Clerk read an email from John Weeks (former PC Chairman) which notes the post box has been repainted and hoping that the adoption of the kiosk might lead to a coat of paint being given to it in due course when its future use becomes clear. He goes on to say the fingerpost is looking rather worn and it was a while ago it was refurbished, when he was Chairman. Following a discussion Martin Baker kindly offered to wash the post as a start.

  • Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Notification has been received that the HMICFRS – Peel efficiency report had received a “good” award.                  
8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None.

9. Finance.

Balances after allowing for all payments made.

Lloyds Bank current account £4228.88
Lloyds Bank deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Easy Access account

Two cheques were signed as follows:

Number Amount Payee For
580 £118.83 Mr C.N Fry Expenses
581 £152.47 Mr C.N Fry December net salary

Setting the Precept for 2018/2019.

The Clerk distributed and presented the projected budget for 2018/2019 showing an anticipated requirement of £6902.00. When due allowance is made for the unexpected he said a precept of £7500.00 - the same as this year should suffice. This was proposed by Brian Gale and seconded by Martin Baker. All agreed.

10. Any Other Business, including the date of the next meeting.
  • Spring bulbs. The Clerk has received these and was asked to convey them to Roy Beale.
  • Stones on the verge at and flower pots in the gateway opposite at Parchey. Martin Baker said he had been asked to bring this up. The matter has been noted.
Date of next meeting: Monday 15th January 2018 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.42pm.


View of Chedzoy Parish