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Headline: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 19th February 2018.

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 19th February 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

 1. Apologies: Cllrs. Katrina Maxwell and Terry Oxman. Also Cllr. Derek Alder (SDC).

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Brian Gale, and Ray Triggol.  Also Cllrs.David Hall (Somerset County Council (SCC)) and Liz Perry (Sedgemoor District Council (SDC)).

Members of the public: Ms Lynne Allen and Rodney Young. Also Ms Donna Collier (Savills).

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 15th January 2018 were taken as read, approved and signed.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Suggested usage of the (telephone) Kiosk. The Chairman said he and his wife Lynne had visited Stawell’s phone kiosk which had been adopted, and turned into a mini-library. He happened to meet one of the organisers, who told him they hadn’t experienced any vandalism problems. People donate books and borrow, returning the books at a later time. There were minimal set-up costs (some shelving), the kiosk looked tidy and freshly painted. Martin suggested the other Parish Councillors and other interested parties go and have a look. Matters can be taken forward at the next meeting. David Hall said the well-known local author Damian Boyd had opened it.
4. Somerset County Council report. Cllr Hall reported as follows:
  • Giggaclear. Although reported not to have been affected by the collapse of Carillion, David hoped progress might be speeded up on the rollout programme for broadband.
  • SCC Budget 2018/19. He said the coming year’s budget would be put before the full County Council on Wednesday 21st February. He indicated the SCC’s element of the Council Tax would rise by 5.99% (3% for adult social care and the maximum 2.99% allowed without triggering capping).
  • Schools. David said that the anticipated future heavy financial burden of the many new schools projected as necessary meant that the SCC needed to have a lending facility in place, of the order of £100 million or so. Thankfully, we are living in times of low interest rates.
  • Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA). David Warburton (the MP for Somerton and Frome) is involved with the precepting of the Somerset Rivers authority and a further meeting is taking place soon.
  • Ofsted Report last November at Somerset Social Services. This resulted in an improved outcome, “requires improvement to move to good”.
  • Dunball P & R now open.
  • Winter gritting stocks are high.
5. Sedgemoor District Council report. Liz Perry reported the SDC Council Tax setting meeting was taking place Tuesday 20th February 2018.

6. Planning.

Reference: 18/18/00001/CAN.
Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension to form double garage (retrospective amended scheme).
Location: 1(2), The Barn, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, TA7 8RE.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Pike.

The Chairman explained the need for this further planning application (following the one approved two years ago) is because Velux windows have been included in the roof during development.  Following a discussion the councillors unanimously agreed to support this application.

Appeal application
Reference: 18/17/00003/DT. (Victoria Osborn).

This application received the support of the Parish Council when it came up for consideration last summer, but Sedgemoor District Council refused permission. Ms Victoria Osborne requested the Chairman attend the upcoming appeal, and the Parish Council approved this at the last meeting. The appeal is scheduled for 28th February and the Chairman is now unable to attend. Cllr Liz Perry (SDC) kindly offered to attend instead.

Reference: 18/17/00008/DT.
Proposal: Conversion of existing barn to form a residential dwelling, erection of a double garage/office and formation of parking area.
Location: Land to the south of Manor Barn, Higher Road, Chedzoy, Bridgwater.
Applicant: Oxford University.

Ms Donna Collier (Savills) addressed the meeting. She emphasised the cautious approach the Agents have taken in their endeavour to present a complete application which, as far as possible negates any objections. To this end they now propose the use of clay tiles instead of the metal structure originally proposed. The services of a professional hydrologist advised on the flood risk and the Environment Agency is now completely satisfied regarding the measures to be taken. The site will be able to withstand a breach of flood defences and excess surface water will not reach as high as the level of the ground floor of this single storey development and so the ground floor provides a suitable place of refuge, if required. Following a discussion the councillors unanimously supported the application as now amended and the Chairman will hand deliver the following comments:

'Having considered the amended plans showing the roof material changed to clay tiles, and the Environment Agency’s response in not objecting on flood grounds, Chedzoy Parish Council is satisfied that its concerns have now been addressed, and withdraws its objections to this proposal. Please accept this endorsement as a letter of support.'

7. Correspondence.
  • Somerset Libraries Services Consultation 2018. A twelve week Public Consultation on the future delivery of library services across Somerset started on 29th January and runs until 22nd April 2018. With Council budgets under enormous pressure, and under these proposals fifteen of the thirty-four libraries in the county would be seeking Community involvement to remain open. Where this is not possible, services would instead be provided either through Outreach in Community venues or through additional mobile library stops. The proposals can be read online at, and [people can] complete a questionnaire basing their responses on the library they visit most often.
  • Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) Training – 'Councillor Essentials'. A training session at Brent Knoll village hall on Thursday 1st March 2018 will be conducted by SALC from 7pm to 9pm. This is designed for new councillors and to give them essential information needed to carry out their roles.
  • Speed Indicator Device (SID) - Termination of Programme, as from 31st March 2018. The reasons for the termination of the programme remain unchanged- i.e. the County Council stock of SIDs is rapidly reaching the end of their serviceable life and they are no longer able to provide the large financial injection needed to keep it going. Three alternative scenarios are set out in a long email from Dave Grabham, Traffic Engineer County Hall, all of which require participating Parishes to cover costs. The Clerk was asked to circulate details to the councillors to look at ahead of the next meeting. He also said he has received an email from John Weeks in which he says the SID equipment seems faulty.
  • Sedgemoor Service Station - Variation of Premises Licence. The Clerk said he has received notification of this and comments are invited. As the business is located in Bridgwater Without Parish, this has simply been noted.
8. Matters arising from the correspondence.
  • SID Programme withdrawal for next meeting’s agenda.
  • Phone Kiosk future use for next meeting’s agenda.
9. Finance.
Balances after allowing for all payments made.

Lloyds Bank Current Account £3471.42
Lloyds Bank Deposit Account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Easy Access Account £12318.53

Three cheques were signed as follows:

Number Amount Payee For
586 £152.47 Mr C.N Fry February net salary
587 £ 83.88 HCI Data Website
588 £63.74 Mr C.N Fry Expenses

 10. Any Other Business, including date of next meeting.
  • Affordable Housing. A detailed analysis/consideration has been received from Esther Carter (Sedgemoor District Council) following the Parish survey of last autumn. This was only received on Thursday 15th February, and so there was insufficient time to advertise it for to receive consideration at this meeting. The Clerk was asked to circulate it among the councillors for noting and bringing up at the next meeting when Ms Carter may well be present and members of the public will be able to attend.
  • The Chairman expressed the thanks of the entire council to the organisers of the Burns Night, Moulin Rouge evening and last week’s coffee morning, all of which were great successes.
  • Straw in the road near the Old School House. The Chairman said this had been brought up, and Ray Triggol said he would see to clearing it up.
  • Chedzoy News. The deadline for the Spring Edition is 12th March 2018.
  • Obstruction on the roadside at Pig Lane. It was reported that fence posts have been placed on the roadside verge in Pig Lane near the Playing Field entrance. The Council considers the obstructions should be removed and the Clerk was asked to look into it.
  • The State of Fry’s Lane. This has been brought to the attention of the Clerk, formally by a concerned resident (Mr Farmer) who resides in the area. The matter is to be held over until the next meeting when Mr Farmer will be able to attend.
  • Mendip Community Transport. The Clerk reported a letter requesting grant assistanc. This was noted.                       
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 4th April 2018 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm.


View of Chedzoy Parish