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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2015


1. Apologies. Cllr Terry Oxman, Cllr Liz Perry (SDC), Messrs John Weeks and Roger Sutton.
Present. Cllrs. Ray Triggol, Martin Allen, Martin Baker, Brian Gale, Katrina Maxwell and Pat Lennard. Cllr. David Hall (SCC) and Derek Alder (SDC).
Members of the Public. Simon and Sally Howes, Malcolm and Linda Friend, Mr Mike Horrobin, Ms Karen Bennet, Messrs. Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

2. The minutes of the last meeting of 31st March were taken as read, agreed and signed. All in favour.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Clarification of the relative height above sea level of the former Cellophane site and the proposed Lonsdale Nursery development. Martin Allen (Chairman) advised the meeting that he had used an incorrect term in his comment at the last meeting concerning this issue. He should have used the term 'Above Ordnance Datum', rather than 'Above Sea Level'.
  • The Clerk read an e-mail out from Roger Sutton in which he advises the comment was 'not valid' and should be withdrawn. He goes on to say very different criteria exist for housing development and 'Holiday Lodge' development, the latter having been categorised as “more vulnerable” for development in the Technical Guide for the National Planning Framework Policy, and as such not permissible in flood zone 3 unless there is no other land for such development available in flood zones 1 and 2 (which there is). Cllr. Allen confirmed that his comment was simply an aside which he considered relevant. The Clerk confirmed this and that it was not part of any formal discussion or any voting issue.
  • Adopt a Kiosk. See Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.
  • Somerset Local Authority Civil Contingencies Unit request for volunteers.   See Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

4. SCC report. See Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

5. SDC report. See Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.

6. Planning.

Reference: 18/15/00004/LE.
Proposal: Variation of condition 11 of Planning Permission 18/07/00001 to allow the use of the first floor as office accommodation and the ground floor as storage and manufacturing with reception/office area.
Location: Dutch barn, West End Farm, Chedzoy Lane, Bridgwater.
Applicant: A.M Sensors.

The Clerk said this variation of condition application had been received between meetings and had been referred to the Chairman and Vice Chairman who both confirmed that it did not warrant a full planning meeting. Mr Roger Sutton had already advised the council of the application. A letter of strong support had been sent to SDC.

The following application had been received this very day (19/05/2015):-

Reference: 18/15/00006/LE.
Proposal: Replacement to guttering to east wing of property and installation of additional rain downpipe to North Eastern elevation of property.
Location: Crown House, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater TA7 8RB.
Applicant: Mrs Howes.

The residents of Crown House were present and outlined this proposal of this (listed building) saying not only this application had been submitted but a further one relating to the installation of an en-suite to the second bedroom was also pending. The Clerk said only this one had so far been received.

Following a discussion the Chairman called for a vote and the result was as follows:-

For the proposal:     6   Against:    0

The Clerk to respond appropriately.

Mr Mike Horrobin spoke about his pending application at Lonsdale Nursery saying that the proposal was on the agenda of the SDC planning committee next week and he thanked the Parish Council for its continued strong support. He added that the recommendation was for the scheme to be refused on Flood Plain issues. He requested the Parish Council attend the meeting and speak in support. Cllr Martin Allen said this would not be appropriate and Mr Horrobin accepted this.

7. Correspondence.
  • Avon and Somerset’s “Best on the Beat” competition. This is being held again this year.
  • Wessex Water’s inspection of allotment site. The Clerk read a letter received from Wessex Water following a surprise inspection at the allotment site. The “Contraventions Report” enclosed with the letter requires immediate remedial action. The Hose Union taps on both troughs either need to be removed and replaced with plain ended Bib taps, and the level of the first trough’s tap needs raising to maintain an air gap. An alternative would be to remove the taps and fit service boxes and float operated valves in the troughs.
    (Note: A meeting was subsequently held on Friday 22nd May at the site between the Clerk, Ray Triggol and Justin Cregan (Wessex Water‘s Inspector) and we have another 28 days to get the necessary work done. The Clerk to arrange the work with Matthew Fry).

  • Blocked access to footpath BW 8/6 at Parchey Bridge entrance. Following a complaint from a parishioner to Ray Triggol the Clerk has been liaising with both our Footpath Officer Mark Smith and George Montague SCC Footpath Officer for Sedgemoor, the latter of whom is taking matters forward.
    (Note: The problem had been reported by the PPLO (Mark Smith) on the 28th April)

  • St Mary the Virgin, Chedzoy – request for additional substantial grant aid for churchyard upkeep. The Clerk read a request received from Mrs Linda Friend, Churchwarden, (present at the meeting with the other churchwarden- her husband}, in which she advises that they have lost a £300 per year annual grant from a charitable trust following the sad death of the sponsor. She went on to say the 2014 Quinquennial Inspection of the church building itself revealed 20 items requiring attention over the next 5 years at an estimated cost of £55.000, with a further 10 items of desirable improvements totalling £121,850. None of the estimated costs include professional fees or any VAT which may be payable. Following a full and sympathetic discussion the council took on board the fact that the churchyard is a place of tranquillity in the centre of the village and the church itself is a quite magnificent building of which the whole village should be proud, coupled with the fact that to engage contractors to keep the churchyard tidy would cost significantly more than the £661 it cost last year. There are two footpaths running through the churchyard and the styles in place are very rare, if not unique. The Clerk who happens to take care of the grass cutting confirmed that many people walk through the area. In the last year the Parish Council gave grant aid amounting to £180 towards the upkeep of the churchyard. At the conclusion of the debate a motion was placed before the Parish Council as follows:

    “ That the council agree to increase the annual grant aid to the church for exclusive use in going towards the upkeep of the churchyard to £500 per year from this year and in the future, to increase by 5% per year”

    The motion was proposed by Pat Lennard and seconded by Ray Triggol, all in favour.
  • Chedzoy Playing Field Committee request for substantially increased and ongoing grant aid. The Clerk outlined this request received following the substantial renovation work and installation of the “State of the Art” play equipment at the site. As a condition of providing substantial assistance to enable the renovation to go ahead, Viridor had included a condition that the new equipment be insured. The Playing Field Committee had received advice from the Somerset Playing Field Association  that the most economical way of obtaining insurance would be to approach the Parish Council and ask that the liability be included in the council’s insurance policy.

    Ahead of this meeting the Clerk had established that this is something Came and Co regularly do (subject to weekly inspections of the equipment for any damage  to be spotted), and that the additional premium would be £352.00, raising the whole renewal premium to £645.45. Cover for the equipment is required in the sum of £77169.00. Additionally, the Playing Field Committee are seeking for the grass to be cut more frequently – say 4 times more per Summer , both to keep the grass shorter and reduce the residual grass clippings left behind. At present the council are charged £45.00 per cut and so the extra cost would be of the order of £180.00 per year. In the past year the council have paid £435.00 grass cutting and the amenity grant of £232.00 making a total of £667.00.

    Therefore the Council are looking at increased funding on a permanent basis of: Amenity grant £232.00 (last year), Grass cutting: £615.00 and increased insurance £352.00 – Total say £1199.00 against £667.00 last year.

    A full discussion took place and it was agreed to meet the request in full to help the future funding of this very valuable and enviable village facility and to free up the Committee to concentrate on the heavy cost of running and improving the Playing Field.

    The following motion was placed before the Council:

    “That the Parish Council increase annual support to the Chedzoy Playing Field Committee to a total of  £1200 this year and sufficient to cover the amenity grant, grass cutting and the cost of the insurance of the equipment”.

    This motion was proposed by Pat Lennard and seconded by Brian Gale, all in favour.
  • Telephone Scam Warning. The Clerk read an e-mail from SDC warning that a person has been phoning people saying they represent SDC or NHS or SCC and they have compensation from a recent accident and asking for bank details. Anyone receiving such a call should obtain the name and number of who is calling and ring SDC on 0845 435435 to report it.
  • Pig Lane Potholes. The Clerk read an e-mail from Laurence Hackling of SCC Highways confirming the recent inspection of all the village potholes had included the ones in Pig Lane and the contractors had 3 months from the inspection date to carry out remedial work.

8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None.

9.  Finance,  including the Adoption of the 2014/15 accounts and Completion of the Accounting Statements and the Annual Governance Statement by the Chairman and the Clerk (Responsible Financial Officer )

Balances with all issued cheques and payments cleared:-

Lloyds Bank current account £7191.37
Lloyds Bank Deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society £12192.69

First tranche of the precept (£4000) received, with the rest (£1500) due later on.

8 cheques signed by 2 councillors:

Number Payee Amount For
462 C.N Fry £ 88.12 Clerk's net salary April
463 C.N Fry £131.30 Expenses
464 SALC £106.92 Affiliation fee
465 D. Malley £ 48.00 Payroll Services
466 L. Friend £10.00 Internal Audit fee
467 C.N Fry £ 87.92 Clerk's net salary May
468 HMRC £66.00 PAYE Jan/Feb/Mar).
469 Broker Network £645.45 Insurance renewal premium

The Clerk confirmed the internal audit was complete and the external audit was pending.

A new ruling that councils with turnovers of less than £25,000 are not required to go to External Audit will not become effective for 3 years.

The 2014/2015 accounts were presented and approved by the council – proposed by Ray Triggol and seconded by Martin Baker, with all agreed.

The Accounting Statement was signed off by the Chairman and Clerk (RFO).

The Annual Governance Statement was also approved – proposed by Ray Triggol and seconded by Martin Baker, all in favour.

10. Any other business and date of next meeting. None.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 16th June 2015.


View of Chedzoy Parish