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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28th July 2015

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 28th July 2015 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies: None

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Patricia Lennard, Katrina Maxwell, Terry Oxman and Ray Triggol. Also Cllrs. Davis Hall (SCC) and Derek Alder (SDC).

Members of the public: Messrs. Francis Hunt, Richard Woodward and Rodney Young. Also, Ms Lesley Knight – Civil Contingencies Officer.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 16th June 2015 were taken as read, approved and signed, all in favour.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Wessex Water allotment inspection. The Clerk reported he had approached a third contractor to get the remedial work carried out - Mr Roger Preece - who had contacted Wessex Water to establish the exact requirements, obtain an extension to the period of grace, and indicated an approximate cost of £200.00. He said he would get it done in the next fortnight and report completion of the work to Wessex Water to enable them inspect and sign the matter off. The Clerk asked for a motion authorising him to draw a cheque in settlement once the work was complete, but before the next meeting. This was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr. Lennard, all in favour.
  • Somerset Local Authority Civil Contingencies Unit. Lesley Knight, Civil Contingencies Officer, gave a presentation outlining the requirements of the village representatives being sought, which included good communicative skills, good local knowledge, the ability to liaise between the Parish Council and other bodies both inside and outside the locality and confidentiality. Cllr Oxman raised his concerns over possible future flooding in the village being caused by the changes being proposed in drainage policy, and the logistics of getting pumping equipment in place in the event of floods. Lesley said a great deal of preventative work had been carried out since the last severe flooding on the levels and she said she would ask her colleague Geoff Mackett to address these fears, and report back to the Clerk. It was decided to ask Mr Mackett to come to a Parish Council meeting to give more details. Lesley Knight said about 70 parishes out of a total of approximately 300 had already signed up, with more doing so on a daily basis.
  • Obstructed footpath (BW8/6) entrance at Parchey. The Clerk reported he had received a phone call from George Montague - SCC's footpath officer covering Sedgemoor - advising the case had been passed to the Environment Agency in mid-May, for them as owners of the gate which appears to have been interfered with, to decide on the possible enforcement. Mr Francis Hunt was invited to speak and he said he had spoken to Mr Meadows who had locked the gate, who said he was concerned about both the safety of his horses and children who might stray into the field. Mr Meadows thought the footpath was closed and he had the entrance area under closed circuit camera surveillance.It was decided to await developments here.
  • Adopt a Kiosk. The Chairman reported that the Kiosk had been repainted and cleaned up. The phone was working, and now that it was renovated, it was felt a more attractive proposition for possible future adoption.
4. Somerset County Council report. David Hall reported as follows:
  • SCC had not managed to successfully let the 2nd part of the broadband contract, but was actively seeking procurement and hoped for a satisfactory outcome within about 6 weeks. He said generally the project was “on track”, although Chedzoy’s particular problem of non-inclusion was another matter. He was pressing our case and would keep the Parish Council advised of any developments.
  • Hinkley Point. The Final Investment Decision was still awaited. Cllr Hall still maintains his confidence that given time things would work out, even though it could take until the year end to conclude. He expressed his personal view that EDF was extremely unlikely to walk away from a project which had already involved the company in a great deal of expense.
  • Health and Wellbeing. He said a further grant aid scheme would be launched later in the year and the Parish Council should be thinking of appropriate projects for an application when the time comes.
  • Highways. The Othery to Langport road was now reopened and phase 3 of the flood relief scheme had been allocated funds. Cllr. Hall asked to be excused to attend a prearranged engagement.
5. Sedgemoor District Council report. Cllr Derek Alder reported as follows:
  • The full meeting of SDC on 29th July would implement a complete reorganisation of the Executive of the Council. He himself was moving from the Development Committee to work on the scheme to maximise funding from Central Government which is triggered by new house builds and when received, the funds have no strings attached and can be used at the SDC’s discretion entirely.
  • SCAT/Bridgwater College. These two are in talks which could eventually lead to the temporary Hinkley Point workers accommodation being taken over as student accommodation in the future.
  • A39/A38 Junction at Taunton Road. Improvement work now complete. However, a further set of long term roadworks had started between the Junction 24 roundabout and North Petherton, involving the installation of a new cycle way, and that this may last until the year's end.
6. Planning.

There were no new applications to consider.

Appeal against Enforcement Notice.
Breach: Without planning permission, non-compliance with approved plans (18/11/00008) by the use of cream plastic cladding to the first floor elevation and front gable end of the porch and the use of cement finish to ground floor front elevation in lieu of brick.
Location: 35 Higher Road, Chedzoy Bridgwater TA7 8QU
Appeal by: 3/23

In being notified of this appeal, the Parish Council could send written representation to the tribunal. A debate took place, and it was noted that no complaints had been received by the Parish Council. It was decided not to write, but to let matters take their course.

The Clerk reported that applications 18/15/00006 and 18/15/00007 relating to Crown House had been granted permission on 18th June 2015.

Application number 18/15/00004 (Variation of Condition at Dutch Barn West End Farm) had been granted permission on 29th April 2015.

Application number 18/15/00008 at 3 Springfield Cottages was under consideration.
7. Correspondence.
  • Transparency Code. SALC have advised limited grant aid was available to assist smaller councils (less than £25000 turnover} with the set up cost of a new website. Chedzoy already has one.
  • SALC annual general meeting is to be held on 26th September 2015, at the Edgar Hall, Somerton. Possible attendees are to be sought at the next meeting.
  • Village Agent Network. A further 7 agents have been appointed. The network now covers 52 per cent of the county.
  • Annual Canvas Poster relating to the forthcoming Election Registration Canvas. This has been displayed on the notice board.
  • Code of Conduct Training Sessions. SDC are holding this for parishes who adopted the Somerset Monitoring Code of Conduct on Monday 21st September at 6.30 pm. The session is appropriate for all new councillors and others who would like to refresh training.
  • SCC's “On the road again – How would you balance the council’s budget?” - the ongoing challenge of increased demand and falling funding continues. Roadshow events are being held throughout the county.
  • SCC's “Love the great outdoors? Now you can adopt a path”:- a scheme is being launched to encourage the public to walk the footpath network and report any problems. Chedzoy’s Footpath officer, Mark Smith, has this well in hand.
  • Somerset Choices. A poster and supply of information leaflets have been received about the new website ( which aims to help people help themselves to stay independent, healthy and well, The Chairman will circulate these at the coffee gathering in the village hall.
8. Matters arising from the correspondence. None

9. Finance.

Balances with all outstanding cheques presented.

Lloyds Bank current account £5724.33
Lloyds Bank deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society - Council Easy Access account £12192.69

Allotment rent is up to date with rental for the last 2 plots (£60) being handed in at the meeting.

There is a further £1500.00 Precept money due later in the year.

The Clerk read a letter from Sedgemoor CAB requesting grant aid, and it was proposed by Cllr Lennard and seconded by Cllr Baker to send £50.00 as has become the usual annual assistance; all in favour.

3 cheques signed by 2 councillors.

Number Payee Amount For
473 C.N Fry £346.32 July salary plus back dated increase
474 C.N Fry £152.56 Expenses to date
475 CAB £50.00 Donation

10. Any other business, including date of next meeting.

The Chairman said the Parish Council should mention the recent village events which have been a great success, and which involved the various organisers in a lot of hard work:-

  • 'Made in Chedzoy', held in the Church, and organised by Don and Avril Johnson.
  • The reopening of the newly refurbished Playing Field, organised by the Playing Field committee.

Since the last meeting:

  • 'Pop in for a pint - The Sound of Music' - organised by Amanda Triggol and her team.
  • Chedzoy Ladies and Chaps – Barbeque Night. A great success, despite bad weather – the committee members.
  • Church garage sale – promoted by Laura Chandler.
The Chairman Martin Allen expressed the thanks of the Parish Council to all concerned.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 1st September 2015 at 7.30pm in the village hall.






View of Chedzoy Parish