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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2015


1. Apologies: Cllr. Terry Oxman.

Present: Cllrs. Martin Allen (Chairman), Martin Baker, Patricia Lennard, Katrine Maxwell, Ray Triggol and Brian Gale. Also Cllr. David Hall (SCC) and Derek Alder and Liz Perry (SDC)

Members of the public: Peter Dodge, Helen Hunt, Hugh and Sandra Watts, Richard Woodward and Rodney Young.

Speakers: Stewart Granger (National Rivers Authority) and Vanessa Dare (Environment Agency).

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of 1st September 2015 and the planning meeting of 22nd September 2015: were taken as read, approved and signed.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.
  1. Somerset Local Authority Civil Contingencies Unit. Stewart Granger and Vanessa Dare talked about flood prevention measures and possible consequences; the capacity of the River Sowy was being marginally increased to improve water management. They emphasised that no measures would result in the flood risk increasing anywhere. At Dunball, a hardstanding to facilitate the use of heavy pumping equipment at short notice had been installed.

    Vanessa Dare said John Rowland(Asset Systems Management Team Leader) would be happy to come and speak about financial assistance under the Small Grant Funding Scheme, and possibly arrange a visit to a pumping station or other facilities. Cllr Ray Triggol said he thought this would be useful and the Clerk was asked to arrange this.

    They said local communities were being given resilience advice to better deal with all types of civil emergencies e.g. severe cold weather, flooding, air crashes, motorway emergencies, possible Hinkley Point major problems.

    The Chairman thanked both speakers for their talk.

  2. Health and Wellbeing Fund 2015. Cllr David Hall advised the closing date for applications was 31st January 2016 and he was happy to come and talk over possibilities when the Parish Council had some ideas. The Chairman asked the other Parish Councillors to give thought to this for discussion at the next meeting.
  3. Dog fouling at the churchyard. The Clerk read out an e-mail he had sent to the parishioner who raised this issue, assuring her the Parish Council shared her concern in the matter and thanking her for bringing it to their attention.
4. Somerset County Council report. David Hall reported as follows:
  • Business Rates. David mentioned the news that these were to be retained locally may not mean a whole lot more money as the Revenue Support Grant and Council Tax Support Grants were gradually being reduced/withdrawn. He said the County Council were still struggling to bridge a £24 million funding gap.
  • Hinkley Point. No FID (Final Investment Decision) agreed yet, but with Central Government underwriting the big investors’ capita thereby making it a blue chip investment, progress is likely in the near future. More traffic improvements in the Bridgwater area following agreement was inevitable.
  • Broadband - nothing new to report here.
  • David repeated that there were funds available for suitable small highway improvements.
5. Sedgemoor District Council report. Cllrs Derek Alder and Liz Perry reported as follows:
  • Core Strategy Plan. Cllr Perry said the plan was being laid before SDC full council tomorrow and would shortly be put out to the parishes for consultation, Derek Alder advised everyone to look carefully at this.
  • Speeding traffic on the A372 along Beer Wall ('Seven Bends' area). He said this was a dangerous problem with the improvement work being carried out.
  • Housing – Derek said social landlords were withdrawing from projects because of the Central Government’s right to buy legislation.
6. Planning. One new proposal.

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (As amended)
Proposal: Installation of two first floor windows in rear (NW) elevation and internal alterations to study.
Location: Westfield Farm, Front Street, Chedzoy, Bridgwater, TA7 8RE.
Applicant: Mr and Mrs G. Bentley.

The Clerk explained this proposal had been received after the agendas for tonight’s meeting had gone out. There was no change to the external boundary walls of the property and the two NW facing windows being proposed were to improve lighting to some first floor bedrooms. Neighbouring properties would have been consulted as had the Parish Council.

After a brief discussion it was agreed the council supported the application.

Training for councillors on Development Management matters. The Clerk advised that SDC were holding training evenings on 14th and 20th October 2015 and the Chairman indicated his willingness to go, together with the Clerk- exact date to be fixed.

7. Correspondence.
  • Village Agent – reorganisation and new Agent for Chedzoy. The Clerk read out an e-mail from Alison Hoare saying her cell of villages was changing and there would be a new Agent - Kate Symonds (e-mail [email protected] Tel 07507452828) covering Chedzoy as from 1st October.
  • Car parking congestion at Hunter’s Lodge. The Clerk advised the meeting that a villager had reported severe car parking problems at Hunter’s Lodge in Chedzoy Lane, just after the last meeting. Apparently there is a large swimming pool at the property and swimming lessons have been arranged with resultant car parking congestion on the narrow part of the road there. The Clerk had advised his opposite number at Bridgwater without Parish Council and she had sent one of her councillors over to discuss the problem, with the matter now having been resolved through cooperation of the residents of the property.
8. Matters arising from the correspondence: None.

9. Finance.

Balances, with all but the CAB cheque (£50.00) being cleared:

Lloyds Bank current account £5166.62
Lloyds Bank deposit account £2.48
Cambridge Building Society Easy Access account £12192.69

The final tranche of the Precept - £1500.00 – having been received.

7 cheques, signed by 2 councillors.

Number Payee Amount For
484 Sedgemoor CAB £50.00 Donation (replacing previous cheque lost in post)
485 C.N Fry £152.47 September net salary.
486 C.N Fry £128.23 Expenses to date.
487 HMRC £65.80 PAYE Apr/May/June
488 HMRC £163.00 PAYE Jul/Aug/Sep
489 C. N Fry £430.00 Playing Field grass cutting – due to Peter Clapp.
490 C. N Fry £200.00 Bus Shelter maintenance half year to 31st October- due to Roy Beale.

The Clerk read out a letter from SDC Corporate Director about Council Tax Support – Reducing Government Grant Funding. Basically this letter points out that Sedgemoor is receiving a reducing level of funding from Central Government via the Revenue Support Grant, and implores the parish council to bear in mind the need for good housekeeping in respect of requested Precept levels.

10. Any other business including date of next meeting.
  • De-icing materials. The Clerk read out a letter from SCC highways offering a supply of di icing material for collection on Saturday 21st November 2015. The Clerk to arrange.
  • Scalpings from SCC highways. The Clerk said he had been advised that the SCC could not allow the parish council to arrange any repairs to the road at Ward Lane. Laurence Hackling had told him he would look into the problems sympathetically if we could write a letter outlining the issues.
  • Drainage problems at West End Farm corner, the culvert at Pig Lane and in Manor Road at Mogg’s Farm. Cllr Baker raised these issues, some of which are long standing ones. After a discussion Richard Woodward suggested help may be available via John Rowlands (see matters arising from the minutes above- 3a). It was decided to put the problems to him when he speaks to the council in due course.
  • Car parking problems in Pig Lane. The Chairman asked Mrs Helen Hunt to outline the problem. She said that cars visiting the playing field, very often from people living outside the village, were causing congestion near her house and particularly obstructing her driveway. Cllr Katrina Maxwell (also on the playing field committee) said there were moves afoot by the committee to try and obtain funding to purchase the field and eventually provide an area for parking off the road, but this would take time.

    A general discussion took place and all agreed it was a problem, particularly in such a narrow lane. Helen Hunt went on to say a letter had been written to SDC planners ion November 2013 suggesting a sign be erected, possibly restricting traffic along Pig Lane to Residential and agricultural traffic only. The Clerk was asked to speak to SCC highways (signage dept.)to enquire what could be done.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 17th November 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

There being no other business the meeting was declared closed at 9.20pm.



View of Chedzoy Parish